Saturday, July 18, 2009

Treatment v. Punishment, and the Family

Why does it seem like we are spending more money on drug courts and punishment verses treatment? I have worked in the field of addiction and recovery for over 20 years and am sad to see the push for more jail or drug courts. Families suffer enough when one member is addicted. Now with groups like MADD and the drug courts, we are taking much needed money and time from the family. Why is the very system that is designed to prevent or stop adding to society's problems, only adding to those problems? If the client/person has money for drug court and all the attorney fees, why not "treatment?"

Sandy Cicero Robins
Author of They Do Remember: a story of soul survival

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Calvary Chapel Revisited

Last week, friends of mine (the Nelsons) who attend Capo Beach Calvary gave me a copy of the newly published biography of Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel. Once again, God seems to remind me how important he has been throughout my life. I so enjoyed reading "A Memoir of Grace," written by Chuck Smith, Jr. The passage "Everything is preparation for something else" resonates with me.

I couldn't believe it when, halfway through the book, I spotted a photo from inside the tent; of me! and Jacque McClure, the woman who took me into her home. Jacque and her daughter, Lynn, had Bible studies in their home and introduced me to Calvary Chapel.

After running away from home, a Christian family took me into their home in La Mirada, California. They brought me each week to Calvary Chapel during the time when Calvary services were being held in a giant tent in Costa Mesa, Ca. Accepting the Lord and being baptized by Pastor Chuck Smith at Corona Del Mar State Beach, I boarded a bus for Eugene Oregon in 1972 to join one of the many growing Shiloh commune homes. I was seventeen, and one of the few followers able to attend outside public schooling while living inside the group homes.

To purchase "A Memoir of Grace" click here:

Sandy Cicero Robins
Author of They Do Remember: a story of soul survival

Parmadale; Looking Into The Past

Imagine my surprise to be in Facebook and someone, somehow found me, asking if I was related to _____ . "Yes," it was one of my brothers in Parmadale. The world seems to be getting smaller, connecting us through cyberspace.

In looking at the Parmadale Alumni photos, I found a photo of two other brothers. Wow, this is really cool!

To view the Parmadale websites, click on either:

Sandy Cicero Robins
Author of They Do Remember: a story of soul survival

Oprah Asks: Do They Remember?

Orprah recently asked guest Dr. Bruce Perry about child abuse neglect and if "they do remember." As many of my readers and others know, the answer is yes... They Do Remember. We do not get over it! But we can get through it.

After many years of struggling with addictions, failed relationships, numerous jobs ending, I was forced to look inside to the why--why was I not able to connect with others or even myself. Pain is pain. Yes, many children suffer horrific beginnings and some saddly die. We are here for a reason. We are here to connect. We are here to learn how to love. Each one of us has a purpose. Perhaps yours is to help someone else connect.

Sandy Cicero Robins
Author of They Do Remember: a story of soul survival

Now Published Through Strategic Book Publishing

I am proud to announce that They Do Remember: a story of soul survival is available through Strategic Book Publishing.

ISBN 13-Digit: 978-1-60693-212-4
ISBN 10-Digit: 1-60693-212-8